My Personal Journal of the 2010 Jameson Dublin International Film Festival…
Dublin, Ireland, February 18 through 28
Saturday 20 February
Life During Wartime
Everybody’s Fine
Sunday 21 February
Yi ngoi (Accident)
Please Give
Monday 22 February
The Unbelievable Truth
When You’re Strange
El baile de la Victoria (The Dancer and the Thief)
Ex post facto (festival films seen after the festival)
Män som hatar kvinnor (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
My Commentaries
25 February 2010: The unbelievable truth is that there was no accident and everybody’s fine [A shot of Jameson]
4 March 2010: If only the places where major disasters occurred were limited to the movies [Terremoto]
Links to official film festival sites