My Journal of the 2008 Galway Film Fleadh…
Galway, Ireland, July 8 through 13

Jumping the queue (festival films seen and critiqued prior to the festival)
Big Fish (Jessica Lange tribute)
Grease (Classic Musicals series)
My Favorite Year (Peter O’Toole tribute)

Wednesday 9 July
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
Goodbye Mr. Chips (Peter O’Toole tribute)
Nadzieja (Hope)

Thursday 10 July
Satellites and Meteorites (World Premiere)
Vox Humana (notes for a small opera) (World Premiere)

Friday 11 July
Mio fratello è figlio unico (My Brother Is an Only Child)
Kisses (World Premiere)
Alarm (World Premiere)

Saturday 12 July
Summer of the Flying Saucer
In Search of a Midnight Kiss
Man on Wire
A Film with Me in It

Sunday 13 July
My Favorite Year (Peter O’Toole tribute)
Public Interview with Peter O’Toole
Jeffrey Bernard Is Unwell (Peter O’Toole tribute)
Bonneville (Jessica Lange tribute)

My Commentaries

10 July 2008: Here it is! Finally! The column I never thought you would get to read! [A Scór of Fleadhs]
31 July 2008: Happily, my computer problems are all behind me and now things are completely back to normal completely back to normal completely back to normal dfsiaoufdwx [As I was saying…]

Links to official film festival sites